On Filing Cabinets

On Filing Cabinets

            One of the ongoing projects over the last few months at the CASA office has been, one by one when we find ourselves with a few minutes to spare, converting closed case files to a digital format.  Since our inception in 2003, CASA of Yellowstone County has...
Best Wishes, Judge Todd!

Best Wishes, Judge Todd!

  The Yellowstone County courthouse will look a little different starting in January. The Honorable Gregory R. Todd will be retiring from the 13th Judicial District effective December 31, 2021 after almost 21 years on the bench. Judge Todd began hearing...
Book Review: The Deepest Well

Book Review: The Deepest Well

One of the most talked about books in the CASA of Yellowstone County office over the past couple of years is The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity by Nadine Burke Harris, M.D. (First Mariner Books, 2018).  This incredibly readable...
Building Powerhouse Habits

Building Powerhouse Habits

You would think that a blog about building habits would be January fare, but here we are, on the tail end of a hot Montana summer, and I’m going to talk about habits.  It seems like this summer has had almost all of the activity that would have happened in 2020...

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